The ScienceLit Interactive Guide on Scientific Literacy for Adult Education aims to assure the correct implementation of the ScienceLit methodology and will ensure the successful carry out of the project results and contributions.
The Guide is addressed to adult education providers, educators, volunteers and anyone willing to implement the ScienceLit methodology. The interactive guide explains how to involve the target group, how to organize the courses in order to be successful and so on. It is in electronic format in order to be very dynamic, attractive and accessible. In order to make the use of the guide as easy as possible, RIC novo mesto issued a Manual for the Interactive manual.
It includes writing content as well as dynamic content such as videos from the participants in the scientific dialogic gatherings and video-tutorials. The video-tutorials explain the scientific basis of the project, how to implement the methodology through the courses, and how to achieve the best results based on exhaustive evaluations.
You can find the Interactive guide here.